Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pain, Pills, and Punctures

So normally when you have three kids you expect one of them to be sick at least once a month right. Wrong, lately it has been me who has all the problems. I can't seem to get rid of a pesky headache that I have had since before Thanksgiving. I have tried more pills than I care to mention including the regular OTC stuff all the way up to five or six different migraine meds. I went in to the Doc last week for a shot (which I HATE) but am starting to get use to, and even that didn't work. Finally, Monday night I couldn't take it any more, I asked Bri to take me to the hospital. So at midnight his sweet parents came down to our house to stay with the kids while we drove to LDS. We started with an IV, yes another needle, then the pain meds, then the CT scan and then the most uncomfrotable thing ever a lumbar puncture. That is the nice way to say spinal tap. I have had 3 epidurals and this in no way compairs. The pain was so much worse. OUCH! To make it better, they couldn't get it right the first few times they tried. Bri watched and thought the needle was going to come out my belly. Needless to say, I hope to never experience that again. The funny thing is that after all that it was just a really bad migraine. So we finally came home at 5 A.M. and tried to sleep. Next time my head hurts, I will just find a way to deal with it like a hot bath or an extra large diet coke.


This Idaho Girl said...

Gosh, I'm sorry. I've been really overdoing it on the DC lately and let me tell you, my stomach hurts. I hope the headaches go away or they find a miracle drug to supress them.

This Idaho Girl said...

Do you think there's any chance we could get together in the next 3 weeks. I really miss you. I'm not opposed to meeting in the middle somewhere.

Jill said...

Oh, Ang try a little vanilla in that DC it will really help. ;0)

Doin' It Digital (Shannon C.) said...

Omigosh! I am so sorry. You have always had migraines, haven't you? It seems like I remember you getting them in North Towne. So sorry. I have heard Spinal Tabs are the worst!!!

Megan said...

Hope you are feeling much better!