Monday, January 11, 2010

Kids and Technology

Well I knew the day was coming that my kids would out smart me in technology. I was just hoping that I could hold out until they were in Junior High School. Last Friday the kids went to Brian's parents while we went to the Temple on a date. They have a computer that the kids can play games on and only games. We picked them up when we were done and everything was great. The next day we went to R.C. Willy's for a minute and the kids went back to Brian's parents. While we were there we got a text from a good friend telling us that he thought Abby was posing as me on Facebook. I was flipping out. I knew she had my password, but I never figured she would use it to get on and pretend to be me. So I called Brian's parents immediatley and asked to talk to her. She was on the computer of course and she told me she was just trying to get on my "Farmville." I very calmly asked her to get off the computer and wait upstairs until we got back. It was very harmless the things she wrote, but holy cow, that scared me to death to think that she could get on and start chatting with any one, and she is only 9 years old. Kids are way too smart and she is way to inquisitive. I am in big trouble with this one I think.