I really don't have anything great to blog but I know how nice it is to have new posts to read. Today I did go to the doctor and she told me to slow down my weight gain. Like I don't already know that I'm fat. What the heck. I know she is only looking out for my best interest, but come on. If anyone has any suggestions of "good food", that won't make me sick I am all for it. O'yea and to add to the excitement of the day my car tried to blow-up. Not really, it only smelled and sounded like it. All is well. I just need a new pulley and some belts. It defiantly could have been much worse that is for sure, but we will be getting a new car before something else breaks on this one. Good night all.
Self-Appointed Class Clowns
9 years ago
I hate when the doctors say that....as if we wouldnt slow down the weight gain if we could! Like we enjoy getting fat. But soon enough it will be all over with! Good luck on the car, I need a new one too!
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