Monday, March 31, 2008

Brian and his Gallbladder

Okay, I'm sorry it has been a few days since we have posted anything new. Life is crazy, as usual, at our house. Brian had to have his Gallbladder out today. We arrived at LDS Hospital at 7:15 AM, despite the terrible traffic due to the snow. We checked in and then waited and waited. I ran down to the Lab so I could do my FUN 3 hour blood glucose test. YUCK! If I never have to drink that stuff again I will be in Heaven. Anyway, they got him in and everything went great. Bri, now has four small holes in his belly. He told the kids that they took off his belly button. They didn't think that was very funny. I thought the best part of the day was when the guy came in to Prep Bri for surgery. His official title is "The Shave Tech". What a crappy job that must be. We told him that Brian would be the easiest shave of the day since he has no chest hair or belly hair. "The shave tech" Then proceeded to tell us how some times he has to throw a blanket on the floor to catch all of the hair he has to shave off of some people. Man, I bet he has some really disgusting stories. Later in the day when we were getting ready to leave the hospital, we decided that he should have shaved Brian's arm where they put the I.V. in. The post-op nurse had one heck of a time getting all the tape off of the I.V. site. So for future reference, if you have to get an I.V. , just call "The shave tech" and ask him to prep your I.V. site.
P.S. Thank you to everyone who helped us out today. Especially D'Onn, Brian's mom for coming to our house at 6:30 AM to help us get our kids off to school and keep Seth all day. You're the Best Dee!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Crazy kids...

I think we need to send out kids to the Circus! These two are always doing the craziest things. Here they are acting like old people with their curly fry glasses. This is just when they are around us. Image how much more fun they are when there are other people around.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Seth and the baby names

Okay so Seth is trying so hard to come up with a name for his baby brother. One day he and Abby were making a list and Seth was throwing out names like...
Baby Boy Head

He is so excited about the name that we are just trying not to dash his hopes of being the one who picks it. I'm so nervous about the outcome of this one. I mean Recko Waldron. That's scary.

Baby names...

As some of you may know we will be having our 3rd child in July. It is a boy! We actually thought that we were going to have a girl so we did not think of any boy names at all. Now we have to figure out what we are going to call him. Any suggestions would be great. Just post them on this thread and give us your suggestions. Who knows if we use yours you might get a prize!!!

The Waldrons

Here we are just before Christmas 2007. More to come later! Just starting out.